brings you NOS tubes...
NOS tubes (or valves to Brits) are hard to get in this region. Most of the time, you need to pay BIG BUCKS, and sometimes they are all just HYPE. DIY Paradise tries its best to remove all this hyperbole and just bring you... your tubes. : )
Some terminologies to those still not stricken by "tube fever":
NOS New Old Stock Yeah... they have been sitting in some warehouse/under some cupboard for some years already. Now, finally called to service.
JAN Joint Army Navy Military specs tubes. Best of the best. Better than normal commercial range, that is.
And now the tubes...
arse super linear Russian triode! Look at the curves! Superb construction puts Yankee tubes
to shame! Click on image to enlarge. Don't know how to use them? Here's some
tips: Use it to build a 1W Single Ended One-Tube Amp!
Yes! One tube, one output transformer and some resistors are all that you need.
Amaze your friends with what 1W can do! Here's 2 links to get you started.
(with detailed datasheet) Or
use it as a super driver!
5842Q or JAN 5842 RM34
Datasheet High mu,
similar spec'ed to the 6C45Pi triode. Similar to Western Electric's 417A.
ECG JAN 5814A RM32
Datasheet Military
version of 12AU7 / ECC82.
ECG JAN 12AT7WC / ECC81 RM34Datasheet Phlips
USA, not Philips Holland.
ECG JAN 6922 / 6DJ8 / ECC88 RM40Datasheet Used
extensively as cathode followers. Found usually in output stage of CD players.
ECG JAN 6X4WA RM24 Datasheet Low
cost rectifier tube. Best used in preamps and low power power amps.